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How email marketing boosts your content marketing and SEO campaigns
03 June 2020

According to Kissmetrics research,

Email has nearly 3 times as many user accounts as Facebook and Twitter combined.”

This makes Email marketing a great add on for your Content marketing and SEO strategies. There are two main components of search engine optimization (SEO): on-site and off-site optimization.

With on-site optimization, you can improve your site’s layout and performance by producing high-quality content and targeting specific keywords that are relevant to your business and audience. With off-site optimization, you can post content on external publications and build inbound links for your website.

Though emails you send or the subscribers you gather aren’t crawled by search engine bots and don’t affect your search engine ranking directly, this doesn’t mean that you can’t use them together.

In fact, email marketing, content marketing and SEO can work hand in hand to help you generate better results for your business. Here’s how:


  • Focus on inbound links:

Email marketing provides you the opportunity to build a bond with your customers and also gives you a platform to bring them back to you.

With several inbound links pointing to your site, you can use email marketing to enhance your domain authority. Producing high-quality content for your content marketing strategy helps you optimize for more keywords, establish new pages that can rank in search results, and attract more inbound links.

Emails are a great source of gaining organic links, just share the source link through mail and request them to link back.


  • Encourage engagement with emails:

Sending mails in bulk won’t help you rank higher in Search Engine Ranking. Email incentivizing comments and sharing can help in moving the needle up on the factors that Google wants to see in the first place. 

For example, you have written a high-quality content blog, undoubtedly it will get some organic traffic, but you can provide its link to your subscribers, this would increase traffic and views over your blog.

You can enhance this by introducing an explicit “engagement” call-to-action in your email and can motivate mail recipients to share and comment.


  • Reputation building:

Email marketing is the best tool for building reputation and retaining your existing customers. Such platforms help your content to get more views and better organic links back to your site. 

At first, it might sound like there is no relation amongst these both. But there is a hidden correlation between brand reputation and search engine marketing.


  • Use influential CTA:

According to the Hubspot,

“Personalized CTAs can convert visitors by 42% into leads than untargeted CTAs.”

The goal of email marketing is to drive quality traffic to you. More clicks equal to more clients. A marketing mail without a CTA is just a message not more than that.

Make sure that your email includes persuasive and clear call-to-actions. Same goes with the subject lines, your CTA should arouse reader’s desire to read more and go to the website. Try and keep simple and short CTAs.


  • Use relevant keywords:

Search engines do care about the readability of the content you are sharing. The keywords you add to your content should be done in a smarter way so that it makes content valuable for readers and not intentionally done for improving search engine ranks.


In this similar way you should craft your mails. Try to use relevant keywords throughout the email and create a layout that is easy to read. Make use of long tail keywords for better results.


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